by Jeremy Parnell - (Copyright, Jeremy Parnell. All rights reserved.)

"I call the alien picture "Conspiracry". It was my attempt to portray the
grays as the ones calling the shots. Sort of like a member of the Mafia, or
a corporation, I wanted him to look powerful." -Jeremy Parnell
"Eternal Love"
by Jeremy Parnell - (Copyright, Jeremy Parnell. All rights reserved.)

"The picture of the ghosts I call "Eternal Love". The couple locked in an embrace and appearing etheral or ghostlike expresses my belief that love is eternal and lasts beyond death." -Jeremy Parnell
by Jeremy Parnell - (Copyright, Jeremy Parnell. All rights reserved.)

"The piece above is called "Window". What it is to me is a graphical
rendition of a thought I had when I passed a local graveyard. I tried to capture what I thought was the "energies" of that particular graveyard. I created it in Adobe Photoshop." -Jeremy Parnell
"Alien Creation"
by Jeremy Parnell - (Copyright, Jeremy Parnell. All rights reserved.)

The above piece is a visual representation of the theory suggesting that the creator of humankind were extraterrestrials.
Jeremy Parnell is an enthusiast of the paranormal who emphasizes the
application of the paranormal in everyday life. He is the creator of psykikUnderground Search
, where he writes monthly articles on issues
related to what he calls the psychic subculture. His goal is to make this
site the largest, strictly psychic, search engine available on the web.